Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Earth Mantra Netlabel - a recomendation and a link

To my regular readers, I again apologize for the lack of new posting, especially for the lack of new posts that I promised a while back would be forthcoming. I have many plans for this blog, but far less time and energy, especially now that the school year is starting back up and things are much busier at my job. Have patience, and I promise that some substantial posts will be forthcoming, as I am able to work on them. Aside from the posts I promised, I am constantly finding myself bombarded with random ideas and inspiration for subjects to post about. Today's post is one such inspiration.

I want to simply offer a quick recommendation and link today, to the Earth Mantra website. Earth Mantra is a netlabel which focuses on deep ambient music. Some of you may have already discovered them from my earlier (still incomplete) post on free deep ambient music, which featured a couple of their artists/releases. If you are into deep space music, dark ambient, or other kinds of deep ambient music in the vein of Steve Roach, Robert Rich, Vidna Obmana, or the like, you should at least check out their list of releases as you will probably find something you like. You could build an entire collection of this type of music from their site completely free. Lately they have been especially prolific (which is what inspired this post), releasing something like six albums in a period of about three weeks. These include releases from the highly praised Kit Watkins, as well as a just released album by Philip Wilkerson that is supposedly in the vein of Thom Brennan styled ambient music (I haven't had the chance to download and listen to this one yet, though I am excited to hear it.) Happy listening!


thekid said...

Hey, listening to this Kit Watkins music that I downloaded and it is absolutely ethereal... I love it. Heading over to Earth Mantra to download some more music.

Thanks for sharing.

The DemoGordon said...

Yay! Another comment. You're my second commenter ever sis. So happy to have you stop by and find something you like. The new Kit Watkins CD, "Time and Space," is really fab isn't it? That was actually released after I wrote the post. He has another one there, "Rolling Curve," which is pretty good too, but I really liked the newest one a lot. You'll have to toy around with downloading some more Earth Mantra releases and see which ones you like the best. Some of their stuff doesn't do much for me, while others I really like. I can shoot you some recommendations if you want;) Just let me know.